Winter Update 2024/2025

Winter Update 2024/2025

Most of our hives are in Texas, while we chill up here in MN with the rest of our neighbors, but by the end of the month it should warm up down south and the bees will be buzzing. I always overwinter a few hives up here every winter for practice, so I don't lose my touch. We had some warm days recently, and I was able to check on them and add some fondant under the covers as emergency food. There are risks involved in transporting bees, and leaving them alone all winter in the south, so it makes me feel more secure having a few up here just in case. 

Overwintering in cold climates is always a game of chance, stacking the odds in their favor, but never 100% successful. my recipe over the years has come to:

  • Treat for mites in August or by the first week of September
  • check the queen periodically in the fall and re-queen if she is missing or failing
  • feed if needed, or leave enough honey for the number of bees (80-100lb. in the north for a strong colony).
  • remove extra boxes, move brood below and honey above the main brood-nest,
  • insulate well under the cover to prevent condensation, around the sides if desired, and leave at least 1 sq. inch opening near the bottom for ventilation

Often wintering success comes down to the health of the bees, enough food, and the insulation on top.

Stay tuned for information on our upcoming Farmer's Market season plans!

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